
RIBER/DIBER software

5.0 15/11/2011 rdiber_5.0.tar.gz Linux/Unix Compatible with Phaser 2.1.x
5.0 09/11/2012 rdiber_5.0.osx.tar.gz Mac OS X Compatible with Phaser 2.1.x
5.1 15/11/2011 rdiber_5.1.tar.gz Linux/Unix Compatible with Phaser 2.3
5.1 09/11/2012 rdiber_5.1.osx.tar.gz Mac OS X Compatible with Phaser 2.3

The online version of RIBER/DIBER is based on related Boost.Python bindings. If you are interested is using them please contact us.

Datasets used for training and testing the classifiers

Data set descriptionDate createdFiles
Protein structures used for training the RIBER classifier 29/06/2011 MTZ files
(PDB codes)
Protein-RNA complex structures used for training the RIBER classifier 29/06/2011 MTZ files
(PDB codes)
RNA-only structures used for training the RIBER classifier 29/06/2011 MTZ files
(PDB codes)
Structures with single-stranded RNA used for testing the RIBER classifier 29/06/2011 MTZ files
(PDB codes)
Protein structures used for testing the DIBER classifier 29/06/2011 MTZ files
(PDB codes)
Protein-DNA complex structures used for testing the DIBER classifier 29/06/2011 MTZ files
(PDB codes)
DNA-only structures used for testing the the DIBER classifier 29/06/2011 MTZ files
(PDB codes)